Small Business Development

Strategic Objective 2: Small business with women and youth engagement is within a stimulating and empowering business environment

Strategy: ESDC’s approach is to provide an enabling environment for small enterprises for young people and women based on the individuals, their attitudes and experiences with SME. The foundation of work will be based on promoting employment and income for all and support national policies for entrepreneurs that will enhance the continuity and success of projects and contribute to their improved livelihood; especially national policies related to infrastructure, marketing and capital availability. The Center will continue to provide business development services for small and entrepreneurial projects, organizing meetings related to small projects, and enhancing relations between different parties, especially those providing financial services, small producers and entrepreneurs

2.      Small enterprise products have improved access to domestic and external markets 2.       Increased access to financial schemes for youth and women  1.      Women and youth entrepreneurs’ capacities are strengthened.  Medium Term Results 
1.  The percentage of entrepreneurs who have formal agreements and contracts for their products/services desegregated geographically. 1. The number of entrepreneurs who have implemented their entrepreneurial ideas desegregated by sex, age, region and project idea.2. The number of jobs opportunities created.3. Total capital of projects established. 1. Number of youth, women and professionals involved in business development activities desegregated by sex, age and type of participation.2.The satisfaction of the participants in the relevant activities of the Center in promoting business leaders How will we achieve this?Indicators

What services and products will we provide under the Small Business Development Program? (Outputs)

1.      Business development services provided.  Services provided include training, consultation in the field of market studies, economic feasibility, business development plans, legal and tax advice and all matters related to the legal status of establishment. It also includes advisory services for promotion, marketing, buying, selling and developing systems. Administrative and financial planning, as well as coaching and technical training will also be provided.

2.      Women and youth entrepreneurs have the financial and material resources necessary to set up or develop their small projects. ESDC will provide a package of activities that contribute to the provision of capital for the establishment of small projects for entrepreneurs targeted by the Center’s programs or networking with various funding institutions. Materials and production equipment required for the development of small enterprises will be supported.

3.      International initiatives to sign contracts for the marketing of entrepreneurial products at fair prices are promoted. This service includes a range of activities such as holding exhibitions, facilitating the participation of entrepreneurs in national and international exhibitions, holding permanent and temporary exhibitions and sponsoring negotiations between the relevant parties through periodic meetings and campaigns to promote various products.

4.      Small producers are organized in an economic and social framework that contributes to their protection and development of their businesses: This includes chambers of commerce, trade unions, federations and other forms of mutual and cooperative work.