The General Assembly of the Economic and Social Development
Centre of Palestine (ESDC) includes 29 members, (20 men & 9 women). The
majority of the members of the general assembly represent agricultural and
rural cooperatives, sectorial unions, and member-based organizations (CBOs).
The general assembly of ESDC
meets once a year to discuss and approve the annual administrative and
financial reports, the annual work plan, and to elect the legal auditor for the
financial fiscal year ending on 12/31 of each year. The general assembly also elects the ESDC
board of directors once every two years.
The Economic and Social Development Centre of Palestine (ESDC) is
managed by a Board of Directors that includes 9 members, (6 men & 3 women).
The Board of Directors is responsible for setting policies and a strategic
framework for the ESDC work, preparing and approving the administrative and
financial internal work regulations and systems, and the necessary instructions
for the work processing, supervising their implementation, and following up on
the accountability process.
The Board of Directors supervises the work of the executive body, which
includes more than 25 employees who work in an integrated manner to implement
programs and executive work plans in accordance with the ESDC vision, mission,
and approved strategies.